Monday, May 23, 2011

Edward Burtynsky

  In our CyberARTS class, we watched a documentary about Edward Burtynsky and his photography. He is known for photographing manufactured landscapes - landscapes that have been impacted by industry, or industrial areas that look like landscapes of their own. We watched this to be able to understand our new assignment in Tech, which is a photography assignment that needs us to take at least 10 photos and use photoshop or any other method to use these photos to show a relationship between industry and the environment. This relationship can be good bad or neutral.

  Burtynsky states in his movie that he wants to present the manufactured landscapes, the relationships between industry and environment, and the affects it has on people, with an unbiased method so that rather than looking like he's promoting or demoting any group or action, he is simply showing what is happening and letting the viewers of his photography decide their own opinions on what is shown.

  I think Edward Burtynsky's photography was interesting, but the filmmaker(s) were dreadful. I couldn't stand sitting there watching that documentary go on and on. It felt repetitive and frustrating to watch, with every little detail being drawn out far more than necessary. I found that the most common feature in the film was just videos of him talking and taking pictures with his very oldschool camera. Even his narration seemed monotonous and drawn out, which didn't help. His photography is interesting, and I can see what he is trying to show with his images, but I did find that the majority of his photos were simply boring. There was no dramatic impact, there was no intriguing information.